I wanted to take a moment to thank you, again, for being such a reassuring presence and providing me with such valuable resources immediately after reaching out with news of litigation.

One of the recommendations you made to me was to consider working with a coach at Winning Focus. After completing my intake interview and my first 2 sessions, I wanted to update you and share my experience thus far.

The intake interview with Gail gave me the opportunity to share key points of my personal and professional background, as well as to express my greatest concerns. Based on that conversation, we selected a coach whose experiences and areas of expertise mirrored my needs. I’ve now had 2 sessions with my coach, Betsy, who has proved patient, supportive, and insightful. She is providing me safe time and space in which to work through this devastating and distracting
situation: knowing I have time set aside with her allows me to more readily compartmentalize the experience, stay present, and focus when I’m with my patients and my family. I am learning strategies for success that not only mitigate the stressors of litigation but are applicable to any significant life or occupational challenge. I would strongly recommend this process and program to any medical provider who finds him- or herself in the unenviable position of litigation and am grateful to (Professional Medical Malpractice Liability Company) for partnering with such a valuable team.

Sounds like you’ll be a part of our conversation tomorrow…this is my first formal meeting with the team and will be my first opportunity to set eyes on the medical record. I have a session with Betsy scheduled for the following morning as this will surely bring new feelings and concerns to the surface. I wish I didn’t need any of these people/resources but am grateful that they are in place!

Thank you again,
K. T., MD