Physicians in Medical Malpractice Litigation

Everyone knows malpractice suits are common but that doesn’t make it any easier when it happens to you.

Studies reveal that 95% of doctors become so stressed in the litigation process that they experience PTSD like symptoms, including: anxiety, depression, diminished thinking capacity and serious health problems. It’s called Medical Malpractice Stress Syndrome. It’s real. And we are here to help.

Litigation Stress Coaching is designed to support you in each step of the process. From regaining a sense of wellbeing in your personal life to inspiring confidence on the stand. All of our coaches have over 30 years of experience and are committed to helping you thrive. Lawyers often recommend this coaching to help clients reach more favorable outcomes.

Litigation Stress Coaching is different from traditional psychotherapy because it focuses solely on the challenges of the litigation process, whether they be psychological, emotional, or more practical. All coaching accommodates your schedule and occurs over the phone or video. It’s also possible to request a coach with a specific expertise such as financial concerns or faith-based points of view.


When it comes to Medical Malpractice Stress Syndrome – We have your back.

Covid-19 Stress and Burnout Coaching

Medical professionals need support in order to keep up the fight against Covid-19.

Winning Focus provides a proprietary protocol that is confidential, non-reportable, and an excellent source of support to gain the necessary tools to overcome Covid-19 burnout.

Covid-19 Stress and Burnout Coaching is different from traditional psychotherapy because it focuses solely on the challenges of working on the frontlines of the pandemic, whether they be psychological, emotional, behavioral or more practical. All coaching accommodates your schedule and occurs over the phone or video. It’s also possible to request a coach with a specific expertise such as financial concerns or faith-based points of view.

We are here to help you.

Clinician Suicide Responsive Measures

Pain and its Correlation to Suicide Risk

Boosting Your Immunity to Burnout