I wanted to take a minute to thank you for the support you and your team have given me over the last couple of months and for providing the referral for psychological support through Winning Focus. I wasn’t even totally aware of how profoundly affected I was by the lawsuit. Learning that a family member perceived my care as less than the best for someone that I had tried very hard to help was soul-wrenching. It brought a career of service into question and sadness that wouldn’t leave. I don’t think I am exaggerating to say that this could have ended my ability to be a good physician. I had tried to find someone locally without much success (I’m still trying). The highest praise goes to Peter Druian for his guidance and his pursuit of the goal to work best with attorneys and accusations, but also to commit to the goal of maintaining excellent service for those who I care for now and in the future.

I was surprised at how effective support could be by telephone and how flexible Dr. Druian was with his time. He was engaged and unscripted. I feel he identified my issues accurately and skillfully guided me to strength and health. There are many things that we do at (Professional Medical Malpractice Liability Company) that I wish we did better, but providing support to physicians in times of psychological stress is one I am proud of my organization for. I would feel that even if I wasn’t the one who needed it.

Thank you.
J. N. A., M.D.